Why did I have to wrap everything that I am and everything that I love so tightly around you? I've wrapped my favourite movies, favourite music, and books all together in a huge lump... all based on you.
When I was most fragile and alone, I fixated on you, someone who I do not even know, and I attatched myself to what you love, because I didn't know who I was. Now, years later, we still have not met, yet I can't take my mind off of you.
What I've done to myself is create this fictional perception of who you are, based on my adoration for the mutual interests that we share.
In many ways, I do not regret it. If I had not stumbled upon your myspace page and read about Bob Dylan, Wes Anderson, and the plethora of poets, music, and movies that you so particularly listed on the internet for all to see, I would not be even close to the person who I am today.
I honest to God would not. Literally all of my favourite things were found on your page, and I adopted all of them as my own. I fell in love with them, and then fell for you.
So that's why you're forever glued to my heart, stranger. I feel so strange for attaching myself to an individual who I have never spoken to, but I see on a daily basis at school. You look at me differently than other people look at me. If you never looked my way, I might've shaken you after a few years. But when we passed, I felt something completely different. I've seen you all over the place, and I seem to be drawn to you.
You'll never know about how you've changed my life and consumed my mind, but a little part of me wishes that you could.