Sunday, November 28, 2010

"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can"

The most important thing in the world to me is making my dad proud. He wants me to drive and get my lisence so that he can get a job since at the moment, he has to drive us everywhere. I need to be less selfish and just sacrifice my dislike for driving so that he can be proud of me. I need to believe in myself more, but I don't know why that seems to be so difficult to me.

I'm also very anxious and afraid that I won't get into any good schools because I am a dreadful writer. My dad always uplifts me, telling me that I've got the talent to write great admissions essays and that any school should be proud to accept me. His kindness and high regard for me melts my heart because he's my hero, but I know that he thinks so much of me since I'm his daughter and he loves me.

I am also doing bad in Government class. I have a 68.2% and that's not acceptable. I feel like puking at the thought of it! I am going to study my ASS off tomorrow and the day after because I need to get an A on the test. At least a B. Oh my God, I can't fail another test. That would fuck everything up.

I want my dad to be proud of me. I want acceptance. I want him to love me and be proud of me.

He has said in the past that I should exercise more. He wants me to be fit because he cares about me. It's not like I want to be fat either.

I feel sick because I am not who I want to be. I am mediochre. I've dropped out of soccer when I was 14, he loved that I played soccer. I'm not driving, he wants me to drive. I am not excelling in school, I need to bring my goddamn AP Gov grade or I will die. I will honestly die. 

I would die and have to bury myself in a hole.

I need to get courage to drive. I need to be courageous. I need to believe in myself. I need to believe in myself. I feel sick. I want to be better in every single way but I keep falling short.

I can't fall short. This is my last year of living under his roof, my last year of grade school. I want to make him proud for once.


  • Finish my college app essays and feel good about them.
  • Submit all of my applications
  • Renew driver's permit
  • Begin voulunteering at museum
  • Get Senior Exhibition paper signed by lady @ the museum
  • Bring up AP Gov grade
  • Bring up AP Lit grade
  • BRING UP ART GRADE (How dumb is it that I have an 86 in art? Really dumb)
  • Work out every day at mama's house so that I can see toning and become slimmer
  • Feel my dad actually be proud of me

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My love and empathy goes out to Demi and everyone who is dealing with eating disorders and/or self-injury.

I heard about Demi and the issues that she is currently dealing with. Because I connect with what she is going through, I thought I would write a letter to her. I'm not sending it to her, but I wanted to write it anyways. Also, it makes me a little sad that when Demi has eating issues or cutting issues, everyone is so loving, but when it comes to me, people are judging and unsympathetic. People are so judgmental when they see the scars on my arm, yet they share love to Demi. I think that Demi definitely deserves all of the love heading her way, my point is just that if you see that a friend of yours has scars on her arms, share love with her too. You don't know how much she might need you.

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Dear Demi,

I sure hope you get to read this, it would mean a lot to me if you did. I’m writing to you because I just heard that you’ve been dealing with cutting and with an eating disorder. It hurts my soul so much to hear this, and it hits me right in the heart. I started crying the second I read an article about you going to get help. I am 17 years old and I've been dealing with an eating disorder and self-injury for quite some time now, since I was about 15 I think. Nobody would ever suspect it because I am an average-sized girl, and I never show any signs of getting anxiety about my body or my life. I've never told anyone about it before or made it apparent that I've been dealing with such issues, but I thought I would let you know that you aren't alone, and it makes me feel so much less alone to know that you and I are similar in this respect.

I can't imagine what it would possibly be like to have to deal with these things all while under the pressures of the spotlight, I really can't. You are so strong and beautiful and I know that things will improve! I really relate to you, and you are in my prayers because you have the exact same issues that I have, and every fiber of my being empathizes with how you are feeling. I wish I was strong enough to get help sometimes, I wish that I could come forward and talk about how much pain I am in sometimes. I wish I could share how my body aches from the inside out, and after a day of purging, I just want to slip away. I wish that someone could understand how I don't want to hurt myself, and how I don't want to die.

I respect you so much, Demi, and I wish that this didn't have to be so publicized, because I don't think that all of this media attention is helpful to you. I wish I could be friends with you so that I could have someone to relate to. I've always looked up to you and wanted to be like you because you are so talented, beautiful, outgoing, and you are helpful to kids being bullied in school. I know we will never get to meet and you will never read this letter, but please know that you are beautiful and strong, and we will all be alright.

So so so much love is going your way,

- - - - - - - - - - -

You guys have no idea how much less alone I feel right now. I feel like I'm not a freak.



Monday, November 1, 2010

I'm not sad. I'm just lonely and unsure of myself. Why are you so beautiful?

Why do I waste my days and not do anything productive with my life? I can change this whenever I really want to... I could write poetry about you and learn to play the harmonica again.

I wish I could drive and I wish I could buy cigarettes and adderall.

I need to get good at hiking. I need confidence and I need to have something consistent... something where I can see improvement in myself. Yoga too. I need to get busy living or get busy dying.

Everything is easier said than done.... but there's no need to beat myself up about everything.

I think I need a friend. Just one really good friend would be nice to have. Some day! Some day! College is only 10 months away! I hope I do well there, I hope I can meet some nice people that I can connect with. Hopefully hopefully hopefully.

I have a headache.

I wish I felt comfortable with people. With groups of people, specifically.