I am fresh out of about 70 minutes of yoga and meditation. My mind is renewed, and my heart is an open window letting in light. My body feels like nothing. I can't feel my neck, and I feel like a floating leaf that's fallen from a tree and is slowly approaching the ground, traveling from side to side with the wind. I meditated for the first approximately 20 minutes, and did my own series of poses for the remainder of time.
Thoughts on my mind currently;
- I would like to change my name to something Icelandic. The Icelandic culture has put together so many fantastic gypsy names, it's fantastic.
- Björn means bear in Icelandic.
- It's so peaceful outside.
- God is everywhere, in everything He has created, and in you and me.
- We are all little blooming flowers and although there is pain and things like that in the world, we will all die one day and our souls will float away. We will no longer feel anything but light. Inside of us is light. You are a soul and you have a body, not the other way around.
- Magenta flowers are so nice. Here's one from my yard that I picked yesterday, I've never smelled a flower so sweet. It's currently on the other side of the desk from me, and I can still smell its sweet perfume!

- I can hear birds outside speaking to eachother! Singing and conversing! In a language only they understand!
- This morning I curiously awoke with this question on my mind: Do chimpanzees like music? The answer is yes. In experiments performed by scientists in the UK, they found that chimps can recognize and differentiate pleasantly sounding music from less appealing dissonant tunes. I think this is fascinating news.
I digress. To update you on where I traveled mentally on today's meditative journey, I went to a few places, the first being outer space again. I first was trusted into the sky, wearing a lavender silken dress (if that has any significance), up far far away in the stars. I don't know exactly where I was going, but I remember that I was falling upward. It was fantastically paradoxical and didn't make any sense, but that's what happened. I was feeling like I was falling, yet I was floating toward a giant star, with my fingers touching little bits of cosmic dust as I traveled. The giant star was so big, that it occupied nearly my entire span of vision, but it was light years away from me... frightening. Then, I realized that it was a nucleus of some sort, and that I was merely a little speck of matter, floating around it. And that we were part of one tiny molecule, out of trillions of molecules that compose something larger than comprehension. It's too much for the human mind to handle, I thought. This must be something that only God understands. Those are the things that I thought.
After that, I changed my position from child's pose into a strange variation of the fetal position, except for I was on my side, and I didn't want to physically arrange my arms (in attempts to remain detached from my Self), so I look sort of strewn on the ground. Here is when my mind veered off into a strange place, although I wasn't personally bothered by it. I pictured my arms bleeding and bleeding and bleeding and bleeding. I won't go into depths as to how come, but they were. I was on the ground, in a pool of crimson red, surrounded by light pink roses growing all over the place. It seemed so nice, but then I realized that it wasn't, so I looked up. Out of the lavender sky, a man began to float down. Jesus Christ came and said nothing, but just looked me in the eyes and kindly placed his hands on my arms. My wounds were gone. He held my hand and we walked away, leading me someplace beautiful. I then became a third person observer and saw us walking, from the perspective of behind us. I could see that as He walked away, little green plants and flowers bloomed from where His feet had touched the ground. This occurred in a forest similar to that of the one below:

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