Sunday, August 29, 2010

I don't get myself, I want to escape.

Right now I kind of just feel like writing. You don't need to read this, unless you're bored. I don't know where I'm going to go with this. I guess I should start with how today went. Today was really tough. I was so frustrated with myself, and I wished to just lie in bed all day long to avoid myself. If my mom hadn't dragged me with her to run errands, I would have definitely laid in bed all day and cried.

I don't know how come I get like this. I just wake up some days feeling very low, feeling like something is switched off in my mind. I just feel like I want to cry and *poof* away into nothing. I don't know, I guess I am just a disconnected individual.

For me, life isn't just some sort of effortless thing. And I don't mean that your life is effortless, no. I mean, I'm constantly aware of the fact that I am doing something. I don't just have conversations with people all natural. I am constantly thinking about what I am going to say next the entire time. I feel cumbersome. While putting on makeup in the morning, I see myself doing it, as though I am seeing myself from a third person point of view. It's so strange. I am perpetually anxious about weird random things that hinder from my life being seamless (like a movie). I feel disconnected as though this is not reality and nothing that I does matters. Unless that's how it is for everyone...

The reason I think I am weird though, is because I remember a time when living was actually effortless. It was a few years back, and life was just "life". It just was. And I just was. I went to school, hung out with friends, felt "fat" some days, felt good most days, etc. And if I felt bad, well, I knew it was just an emotion and I'd get over it. I was totally normal.

Now a days, sadness goes from just an emotion to an entire state of being/state of mind. And feeling "fat" spirals into me becoming withdrawn. I mean honestly, since the onset of my eating issues three years ago, nothing has been the same.

I get really hormonally imbalanced to where I just can't stand to speak without wanting to cry and disappear. I'm not suicidal at all, but human contact and normal things like getting dressed tire me, bore me, and make me want to shrivel up or float away (or something along those lines).

If I had the money, I'd hire a psychiatrist to talk to about these things; about my eating problems (that I do not wish to elaborate on with anyone at all, even a diary since my mom betrayed me and read my old one), about my sadness, withdrawal, and anxieties.
It's actually not at all as bad as it sounds; the sadness only happens occasionally. I am a very happy girl, I am thankful for all of my blessings, and I love life, honest. I do have too much anxiety though. And according to my parents, I have terrible self-esteem (which I do not see at all. I think that hating yourself is normal to a certain extent. Perhaps I hate myself more than most people, but I do project self-confidence.)

Well, I digress.

The point that I am trying to make about the psychiatrist thing is that I am exceptionally confused as to why I feel all of these things, and I want peace (or answers).


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