Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Today was nice. K, A, and I went to the pond to feed the ducks, then we chatted a bit at panera, browsed through Barnes&Nobles, walked through Aaron Brothers, and then went to A's house to do some art. It was a casual day, but nice. I really do enjoy spending time with A. She is so similar to me and I feel very normal around her. It's rare for me to feel like this around a new friend or acquaintance. And of course, I've known K since fourth grade, so naturally we're good friends.

Tomorrow I leave on my road trip! I'm actually getting a little teensy bit excited inside, haha. Trust me, the thought of spending almost a week trapped in a car with my mom, her boyfriend, and my kid sister is a little bit daunting... but being out on the open road (like Kerouac! HA HA HA) makes me quite jolly in a stupid pretentious little way. I am actually amusing myself by envisioning people like Ginsberg exploring the great west coast. Admittedly, I'm a dork. But hey, at least it will keep me busy; to picture myself on the same boring freeways where awesome people have tread in their own iron horses. So long my invisible readers! See you in a week!


Ginsberg+David Cross connection

I feel retarted.... I was just sitting here thinking about how David Cross (from Arrested Development) looks just like Allen Ginsberg and should play him in a movie, so I googled "allen ginsberg david cross", and I guess he actually did portray Ginsberg in I'm Not There, but I just didn't notice it three years back. DERP. I'm just a little late to that party. Haha.

The real Ginsberg:

David Cross:


At the moment, I'm very inspired by the early 1900's turban look. I suppose you could also call it a headwrap, but either way, I'm loving every variation of this look.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bob Dylan

I love you Bob Dylan. Here are some photos I've compiled of you. I would make a shrine, but I think that would be a bit much.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Jonathan Zawada

Jonathan's use of psychedelic patterns blows my mind! I am in awe.
Click to enlarge.

Anish Kapoor

I am really impressed by the surrealist artist Anish Kapoor. His work is mind bending, and I admire his use of both studio space, and materials. Fascinating. Genius.

Photos courtesy of his website,

"The job of an artist, really, is not to make comment. The less intentioned, almost, the better. So I would say an almost playful attitude to the manifestation of objects, the making of the work and so on, to say you know, ‘Actually, the more I free myself as a sculptor, the more able it is to bring up, if you like, these difficult human realities’.

So it’s almost a kind of poetics of opposites. The things that are playful are often not so playful; the things that say they are dark and sombre, often are not so dark and sombre in fact and maybe rather ridiculous because of it. So it’s that subtle jumping from one to the other. Opposites."

"It's precisely in those moments when I don't know what to do, boredom drives one to try a host of possibilities to either get somewhere or not get anywhere. "

- Anish Kapoor