So earlier today, I was googling things like, "what's the purpose of life?" and "how can one create purpose in their life?"... but not really getting any sort of inspiration.
So being the spiritual person that I am, (albeit I am not always consistent), I laid down on my comfy bed to reflect. I thanked God for every individual thing on my mind, and asked Him to please send me some sort of little tip on what I should do or feel about my life. After napping and reading a bit, I decided to browse through an old Ethics book I got at Salvation Army a few months ago. I opened right up to the section about life's purpose. So strange, yet what a marvelous coincidence. I feel really solid and comfortable about my belief in God, regardless of my denomination. I do not have a label for my religion, because my religion is worshiping God. And everything that I love is created by Him, therefore you logically must love (or at least appreciate) Him for creating such wonderful people/things for you to enjoy while you're present in this stage of transient life, here on Earth.
Anyways, I'm too sleepy to type about my philosophical opinions and findings, but I may do that another time when I'm up to it. For now though, I'd like to share some books that I've recently procured via the "free books" rack at school, and inheritence from my mother. I also bought two Palahniuk books from Ebay.
click to enlarge, if you do so desire.
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